North Coast Equestrian Club would not be able to run the events we do if it wasn't for our generous sponsors constantly giving us their marvellous support.
We encourage our members to support all our sponsors with their patronage.
Click on their logo to access their page.
NCEC 2020
Update : Nana Glen grounds will be open for training and exercise from Sat 6th June. There will be a sign in book located near the pay Shute that you must fill in with date, time of arrival, your name and phone number. Please follow all government guidelines re: social distancing and numbers are currently limited to ten. No camping allowed. Please just come ride and hose your horse at home if possible. Toilets are open for use.
18th July 2021 NCEC T-Shirt Dressage Day
Click to download
Click here to join on line via Nominate
NCEC 2021 - 2022 Membership Form (to print & post)
All new or renewing
membership forms
must be accompanied
by the signed waiver.